I Almost Forgot


I almost forgot why I fell in love.

I was reminded on a Monday night. Talking is sometimes the best cure to amnesia. She spoke to me and told me why she loved so hard. As I listened, I realized I was a neglectful lover. The passion and fervor in her voice allowed me to realized that I used to sound like that, but in a month’s time, I almost forgot.

I fell in love when I was six years old, but I always fight the good things. I fought my love, for a long time until I fell all over again one night. I cried that night it happened again. It was stronger, more potent than the first time. There I was, sitting over the computer and typing at three in the morning. I cried the whole time I wrote and in that moment I realized my tears were jubilant tears. That was when it was solidified, my love was writing.

He waited patiently for me for years, way longer than I think any man will wait for me. He stood in the shadows and allowed me to continuously dismiss him. But when I was ready, he opened his arms and took me. I was crying because I was happy and so silly for not realizing earlier.

I have had writer’s block for the past month and that is why I have not written anything on my blog for some time. I had so many ideas, but nothing came out. Now I am writing as fluidly as before. In order to perfect my craft, to make use of it, and let it support me; I need to keep writing.

I almost forgot.

That was a scary feeling, but I remembered.

I remembered.

I Am In Love

Words. Every letter connecting to the next, words make sentences, and sentences make paragraphs. The cycle goes on and for some reason people take advantage of it. Words are truly beautiful. Without words, our sense of communication is gone. Simply vanished. I love words. They have helped me listen, speak, and understand. 

Words. Being able to tell my loved ones that I love them. Being able to say “Yes” and “I do” one day in the future and saying “I love you.” to my future child. They are absolutely amazing and they hold more power than anything else in this world. Without words, people would not hurt and with every action there are a slew of words behind it. That is because we are human. Infinitely human. We think by processing and words are what fuels that process. 

Words. I am in love with them. My love is what drives me to write for the rest of my life and make a career out of it. I am in love. 

Words. They are “chill as fuck.”